
Web Developer & Software Instructor


About Me

Hello, my name is Serkan. I am currently pursuing in Software Engineering & AI at Centennial College. My passion for computer science and electronics began in middle school, where I began taking local courses. Throughout high school, I actively participated in various robotics competitions, such as Lego Mindstorm. During high school, I enrolled in an English course to enhance my language skills. I successfully completed the course with a C1 certificate and subsequently took an international English proficiency test. Alongside my language studies, I honed my skills in software development and electronics, gaining proficiency in languages like C#, and platforms like Arduino, MVC, Core, and Scratch. Additionally, I gained practical experience as an instructor for 10 months. However, I made the decision to leave my position due to my relocation to Toronto for college.

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Centennial College

I'm a first year Software Engineering and AI stude...


I have worked at PeraAkademi as a software and ele...


I have completed Murat Yücedağ's Asp.Net Core 5.0 ...

English Course

I have completed C1 level of General English with ...

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My Works

You can see my works below.

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Web SiteMVC5

I made this website for me with using three themes, what are includes Admin Login and Admin panel.

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Web ProjectAsp.Net Core

I made a complex CV website with three different themes what are includes admin login and writer login for writers and admin and in this project I have used Asp.Net Core. You can reach it with this link:

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Hospital Management ProjectWinForm

I made a hospital management project with using C# in Form application, the app has three different login pages and the all users have their connection with themselves.

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